It all started when I was scrolling through Facebook back in August 2020 and came across a post to be the first Alloycraft Brand Ambassador Apprentice. After watching the clip, now knowing what this was about, I took a bit of time to think about where I was heading in my fishing life and where I wanted to be. The answer to my questions were all the same. ‘Yes, do it, what have you got to lose? the gains available from such an opportunity are uncapped.’
Now with the goal set to get win this amazing opportunity, I needed to start at the beginning - getting into the top ten. The first step of the process was on paper, a simple interview video. I needed to record an interview to answer two simple questions (that were actually tougher than first thought), who am I and why was I best for this role? The video needed to be between 3-5 minutes and once completed uploaded to a group on Facebook where all the members could see it too. I am lucky enough to have amazing, creative people in my life so I recruited a good mate to help me with the video. The hardest part of this first step was to keep the video under 5 minutes, which took some crafty editing on my mate’s behalf, Thanks Rich. Once uploaded to the Facebook group the wait started for the announcements of the top 10, which happened weekly. All finalist would need to go live on Chewing the Fat with the Cap, Corey Goldie’s live show on Facebook/You Tube, which in itself was a daunting prospect for someone not having done anything live before.
After what felt like months had passed and waiting hopefully to see my picture and name announced in the group it finally happened on the 3rd week. The whole neighbourhood would have heard my scream of jubilation! Goal number one, tick. I was now waiting for an email from Brad Richey the owner of Bluefin to let me know the next step in the quest to be the Alloycraft Brand Ambassador Apprentice. The email came through and was read thoroughly several times to make sure I was ready for this. My task for reaching the top 10 was to do a presentation on the Bluefin Scoundrel for 3-5 minutes and wait, this was to be done live on Facebook/YouTube. I spent the next few days planning my attack on this presentation, had many talks with Brad and also Corey Goldie the Bluefin Fishing Team captain. I now had my plan and attack is what happened. I was able to get details of a current Bluefin Scoundrel owner. My video had an intro to the Bluefin Scoundrel, the midsection was the interview with the owner and then wrapped up the ending to make you feel like “Why don’t I own this boat”? Once all the video was recorded and edited, I sent it off to Corey to be loaded ready for the show. The show came around on Monday and to say I was nervous is the understatement of the year (or so I thought, wait until what happens at the end of this of this process). Corey and I logged on, all seemed to be going well while we waiting to go live. It just so happened that the provider of Corey’s live program had technical issues just minutes before we went live and the show was cancelled due to this. The only course of action from here was wait until the issues are fixed and do the show the next day. Talk about a roller coaster of emotions, it was time for a beer and to get ready for this all over again. Tuesday rolled around and we got to get the show underway. I was nervous at first but started to feel comfortable pretty quickly. The presentation went off without a hitch and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. With the show done and presentation complete it was time to sit back and watch the other finalist do their thing.

With weeks passing and watching the amazing presentations coming through from the other finalist I was feeling the pressure. I was extremely happy with what I had brought to the table but it is hard not to think “Geez, they killed it with their presso”. Finally, all 10 were done and the next announcement would be the top three.
I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was in the car driving up the coast with the family and I could not stop thinking about the announcement coming in at 6pm. The best thing was we were so busy all day it helped calm my nerves, as I thought of what the outcome would be. As we rolled back into the driveway the clock ticked over to 6pm and I ripped the phone out. Now I was sweating bullets. For anyone who knows Corey he is always up for a good yarn and he did a job of drawing this announcement out, Hurry up Corey!!! I grabbed a beer out of the fridge and paced the house as my wife told me to relax, you got this, thanks bub. The first person was announced Declan James, yep, he was deserving for sure. Corey on que, dragged it out a bit longer. The second person announced, Bill Latimer. The whole neighbourhood again heard a massive scream of delight and a few colourful words to express my feelings. I was pumped to say the least. The third person was announced, again after Corey took his sweet time. Kevin Beams, again a much-deserved place in the top 3. Well done lads I thought. I wondered what they had in store for us now? This was going to be the toughest and most out there presentation/assignment we had seen.
Now for the pinnacle. The presentation this time would be pre-recorded – however, it was a doozy. Our brief was: We are being sent to Norway and Sweden at the end of their winter/start of their spring for two weeks. We will be meeting up with two current Alloycraft Pro Staff while there. We need to say what will we be fishing for, how we will fish for it (techniques, gear etc), what else we will do while there and we will also be attending a boat show. But wait, there’s more! We will do the same for the two Alloycraft Pro Staff to come over here to Australia in September. Where will we take them what and how will we fish for it, who else will we take with us and what cultural experiences will we show them on our adventures. We had a week to get this done plus we had to fit all this into presentation that can’t be more than 8 minutes and GO! Late nights were had and early mornings too as you would not be able to sleep with the ideas running through your mind. Lots of prep work was done as the seasons over in Norway and Sweden dictated what we could chase. My Sister in-law was amazing in helping me piece this gigantic puzzle together and the end product was perfect. Once the presentation was completed it was sent straight off to Corey. The hard part was now in the hands of Brad with the help of Corey to decide who would be the inaugural Alloycraft Brand Ambassador Apprentice.
Of course, fishing is huge component of my life. So, on the day of the final show I had a chance to go to Somerset Dam with a good mate to chase trophy Australian Bass. We found out the local pub, Exchange Hotel Kilcoy had plenty of reception to be able to run the live show that Declan, Kevin and I would be on that night. I took the opportunity to head up. After a great day on the water boating 15-20 fish we headed back in to freshen up and get to the pub for a feed before the show and maybe a beer to calm to my ever rising nerves. Corey was able to prolong this show more than any prior and if suspense was what he was going for then well played sir. While the show was going on I was feeling the pinch of the whole journey that had led me to this point. After all the presentations were done I was still hopeful to take this out, but was amazed by what both Declan and Kevin had produced. The announcements then started and with this they worked from 3rd to 1st. 3rd place was Declan James, well done mate. Then there were two - Kevin and I both sitting and waiting trying to keep the emotions from taking over. Brad was up to announce 2nd place. 2nd place, the runner up Kevin Beams. Great Job Kevin. At this point I could not hold back the tears, I did it!!!
Now the journey into the tournaments as a boater is beginning and I am stoked to be a part of the Bluefin Fishing team. Thank you Brad Richey and Corey Goldie for this first in Australia opportunity.
Insta - @bill latimer fishing Facebook - Bill Latimer The Fishing Experience
