Fishing freshwater, there is something about the Aussie outback that mends
your soul. Yes a beach holiday can make you happy but going bush takes you
back to a much simpler time.
With all the distraction of modern-day life and always being connected by phone,
email and social media, going bush washes and cleanses your soul. Sitting
around the open fire, or bush TV as I like to call it, gives you time to reset your
mind and relax in a way you never thought possible.
Oh and then there's the tucker. Why does food taste so much better in the
bush? Whether you’re cooking on open coals or in the trusty old camp oven
it’s like you have discovered new flavours that you would normally pay big
money for. Who needs 5 star when you got 5 million stars!
Yes, there's dust and dirt, flies and things that bite in the dark. But the air is so
clean you can taste it. The water has feeling when you swim in it, it’s not hard
and doesn’t taste of chlorine. The days can be hot and the nights can be cold
but there is never a deadline you have to meet and never a email that needs to
be answered.
Time just flows like nature intended it. You seem to always be busy but never
rushed. Your cutting wood, collecting bait or preparing meals and cooking
them from scratch. You can go all day without even looking at a clock and eat
when you hungry not because of time.
It’s about just sitting back around the campsite waiting for the bells to ring.
(when you set your lines, you put the bells on the end of the rod to hear if you
are getting a bite.)
If you have not done it, I suggest you do it! Country kids are better kids. Tackle
boxes not Xboxes.